Jesus is in Control

How often do things around us feel out of control? People get sick, families split up. There are wars, out of control weather & sometimes even out of control hair!

Being in control - or even better, knowing that someone we trust and someone who loves us is in control - is something we all want. And there is hope!

Join MAtt and Rosie this Easter as they share from the Bible that Christians believe and trust that even when life is messy and things seem out of control…Jesus is IN CONTROL!

Our brand new Easter video, Jesus is in Control, has puppets, music, stories, and best of all COMFORT and HOPE!

This 19-min video is ideal for use in SRE (NSW) and RI (QLD) classes and assemblies. It is recommended by the creators of Beginning with God, Connect, Big Questions and GodSpace, and supports the learning outcomes of these curricula.

This FREE video resource is COMING SOON! Register now to see this exciting new Easter show upon it's release by creating an account (you will also get instant access to all our other free resources).

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