Our Core Values

Quiz Worx holds the following values as integral to our ministry:

The Good News of the Bible

The Bible is God’s final and supreme revelation of himself to humankind. The work and person of Jesus is the centre point of the Bible.
Therefore, all our material seeks to faithfully teach the truth of the Bible, with a focus on Jesus. 
  • 2 Timothy 3:14-17
  • Luke 24:44-47


God’s people have the incredible privilege of speaking to the God of the universe as our Heavenly Father. God, in his sovereignty, has called upon his people to bring their prayers and requests to him, and he answers these prayers to achieve his desired ends.
Therefore, we seek to be a people who pray over all we do, and we encourage others to pray for us regularly. 
  • Luke 11:1-13
  • Romans 8:15
  • Philippians 4:6
  • James 5:13-18


Children are precious in God’s sight. The primary focus of this ministry is children being able to hear the message of Jesus in age appropriate ways.
Therefore, we aim to be age-appropriate in all we do and say. We seek to make the message of the Bible clear to our audience.
  • Mark 10:13-16
  • Ephesians 6:1-3


The Bible teaches that the message of Jesus is for all people. But in order to respond to Jesus, people must hear of Jesus.
Therefore, we seek to set forth the message of the Bible in a sensitive and age appropriate manner in places that have less exposure to the message of the Bible. This leads us to prioritise partnering with SRE teachers/RI Instructors in State Schools.
  • John 14:6
  • Romans 10:13-15


God is a creative God who made all people in his image. Our creativity thus helps reflect the nature of God, while at the same time helping to ensure that the children are engaged with the message.
Therefore, we are always looking to be creative and educationally sound in all our teaching.
  • Genesis 1
  • Genesis 1:26-27

Live Performance

While we see in Scripture differing methods of communicating the message of the Bible, the primary method of communication happens through the public proclamation to a group of listeners.
Therefore, our emphasis is the performing of live shows, whether far or near.
  • Acts


While all people are made in the image of God, and are thus equally precious and valued, many people are overlooked or neglected, due to their nationality, mental illness, or financial well being. 
Therefore, we look for opportunities to minister with and to peoples who may otherwise be overlooked, such as people who are suffering due to hardships, the Indigenous peoples of Australia, and the physically and mentally ill.
  • Genesis 1:26-27
  • Galatians 3:28


All Christians are disciples, which simply means we are all ‘learners’. Our primary teacher is of course Jesus Christ. Yet Jesus often uses others to help train and develop our walk with him and our ministry to others. 
Therefore, while we continue to learn, we also prioritise training others in creative and faithful children’s ministry. We do this through participating in children’s ministry training events, filming training seminars, and through having student ministers come and learn with us.
  • Matthew 28:18-20
  • Titus 2:1-10

Partnership Part 1

God’s primary way of working in the world is through the ministry of the local church. As a travelling ministry, we thus recognise the limitations of our ministry.
Therefore, we strive to work alongside and with local churches. We aim to do this through performing exciting shows that encourage children to read the Bible for themselves, and leave them wanting to learn more week by week.
  • Ephesians 3:20-21
  • Matthew 16:18

Partnership Part 2

We see in Scripture examples of Christians supporting other Christian workers prayerfully and financially as they travel in their ministries.
Therefore, our desire and prayer is for people to partner with us prayerfully and financially.
  • Philippians 1, 4
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